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Reparations - Tail lift - Paint cabin


We repair all brands of trailers, semi-trailers or loading platforms.

- Repair of curtainsider, tilt, tilt-roof
- Placing windows in horse truck
- Placing of side door, roller shutter, .. in existing box
- Mounted tail lift, loading platform of all brands
- Replacement of floor
- Reparation of brakes
- ..

remrevisie  takel met zuignappen


Damages or defect on your taillift? As Dhollandia servicepoint in Belgium, we will help you as quick as possible.

herstelling laadlift  herstellingen laadlift

Paint cabin

Damage at your trailer, semi-trailer are truck? We can fix al types of bodystructures and with our modern and large paint cabin, we can spray all types of distributional vehicles in any color.

lakwerken spuitcabine  bijwerken van schade